Become A CoachSource Qualified Coach

What Does it Mean To Be CoachSource Qualified?
The CoachSource Coaches Network stands as the pinnacle of industry excellence, attracting only the most accomplished coaches worldwide.
Elevate your coaching career by joining our elite community, where you’ll collaborate with the best minds in the field, access unparalleled resources, and gain recognition as part of a prestigious network that sets the standard for excellence in executive coaching.

Our Qualification Criteria
Leadership Effectiveness Coaching
Specializing in helping leaders achieve positive, long-term change in leadership behavior over time.
Advanced Degree
MBA, MA, MS or Ph.D. in org. development, org. psychology, business or related fields.
Extensive Experience Coaching Senior Leaders
C-Level, EVP/SVP, VP, Director coaching experience.
Business Experience
Prior senior leadership positions in organizations, line management and Fortune / FTSE 500 preferred.
Fortune/FTSE 500 Client List
Client experience with similar caliber to our clients.
Years of Experience Coaching
Min 5 years as practitioner, 10+ years preferred, min 2 years independent, specific coach training and certification.
Executive Presence
Demonstrates the overall presence of a seasoned, senior executive coach.
Apply to be a CoachSource Qualified Coach
Please Note: At this time, we are not accepting unsolicited applications for US-based coaches.
Other coaches who meet or exceed the coach qualifications, and most of the following criteria may be considered at CoachSource’s discretion.
- Work experience as a senior leader/senior executive inside large corporations, especially executives with full P&L accountabilities
- Holds current ICF PCC/MCC, EMCC/SCP or MCP certifications
- Expands the breadth of diversity of our global coach community
- Coaches fluently in two or more languages
- Certified to purchase and administer the most requested instruments and assessments (i.e., Hogan, Leadership Circle 360, KF4D, KF360, etc.)
- Tech-savvy with significant coaching experience managing and coaching on multiple virtual platforms (i.e., Zoom, MS Teams, WebEx, GoToMeeting, etc), and can administer online coaching tools and applications (i.e., on-line surveys, virtual 360 feedback tools, etc.)
Please check this page in the future for further updates.
How to Apply
- Email us to request a CoachSource application and it will be sent to you for your completion, or you may also download a Word version by clicking here.
- Complete your application and email it back to us in Word format, along with an updated professional photo in .jpeg or .png format.
- We will confirm receipt of your application and notify you of next steps.