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I will come at it from the perspective of a client. I have had about 6 coaches for different situations. I don't care whether it's called coaching or consulting, if it helps me get to success, I welcome it. I have to say that for me, what has helped most of all is not just when I come up with all of the answers. I wouldn't have hired them if I knew all the answers. I want their insight. I can only see things from my perspective. When someone can look from the outside and offer helpful advice or even just how it looks from their side of things, it can smarten me up. It can knock some sense into me at times. Sometimes they have experience or expertise that I don't, and they can offer a solution that I could never come up with because it is outside of my knowledge base. I can humble myself enough to accept anything given to me. I know their intent is to help me. That's why they coaching me. The way to learn is to realize I don't know it all, and be open to learning from another. The coaches who have given me guidance or insight in the moments I need it have been the ones that have helped me progress the most. Those are who I will go back to. I can't justify spending money on a coach who doesn't help in my progress. The others can sometimes waste my time by watching me go in circles. Not fun for either of us. It often feels like that game of "hot and cold" where you're looking for something. If they know where it is and can just point to it or say what it is or where it is, it may be a shortcut, but I'm all for shortcuts. Then I can focus on other things. 

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